Three Studies for Members 2024-2025

What is a league study? Study is the process of formally investigating and discussing a body of facts (including policy implications) whether supporting or contravening a working hypothesis, leading to or including a statement of position. Read more.


The LWVMA is prepared a Study Guide on Reparations with Consensus Questions. A State Study Report and a webinar guide is available. The results of the local consensus meetings are due by February 16, 2025. If you are interested in serving on this study committee or participating.

Contact us for more info

Town Charter Changes

At the LWVA Annual meeting, members voted to conduct a study that would consider two ways the Town Charter could be changed.
The committee will study:
1. Changing to a Council/Mayor form of government, with or without a town manager, in order to have an elected executive (A​​RTICLE 1)
2. If a voter veto resident vote should be required to be the same percentage in the affirmative as the original vote being challenged in order to pass (ARTICLE 8).

Contact us for more info

Connecticut River Re-Study

The Amherst League of Women Voters voted to conduct a re-study/update of our existing position entitled “Connecticut River Basin Inter-League Program” The current position that was adopted in 1965 and 1966 does not reference climate change or the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Facility. Please email Elizabeth Davis at Contact button below if you are interested in participating in this study.



Learn more about what we do, join a committee!

Get involved!

We need more committee chairs and/or active members! Particularly in the following committee areas:
Climate Action
Affordable Housing
Connecticut River Watershed LWVMA liaison


2023/24 Steering Committee

Andrea Battle, At-large
Dana Carnegie, Recorder
Milan Clark, At-Large
Rebecca Fricke, Spokesperson, e-Bulletin editor
Susan Lowery, Membership Caroline Murry, At-Large
Jessica Ryan, Voter Service David Shanabrook, Treasurer

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Chair Sue Lowery

Help us expand our membership!

Join or renew now!


Voter Service
Chair Jessica Ryan

Read more about our Voter Services on our dedicated page:

For Town of Amherst election information see Amherst's Elections page.


Chair Barbara Pearson

Join the Health Care Committee and help combat the ongoing crisis in health care. The U.S. system suffers from spiraling prices, last place rankings in health outcomes, and deep inequalities across races, regions, and genders, yet significant reform is blocked, even in progressive Massachusetts. We have many approaches to choose from. The local committee contributes to education and advocacy activities at the state and regional level in conjunction with allied groups. We also participate in the LWVUS Health Care Reform Interest Group, a loose network of health care advocates from 30+ states. The network provides a broader perspective on issues and solutions in the varying circumstances where Leagues are located.

HCR4US Toolkit  
HCR4US Youtube Channel 
Newsletter Archive


Connecticut River Watershed  
Chair Elizabeth Davis

Reporting on and advocating for Connecticut River health.


Climate Action

Advocating and educating on sustainability and climate change issues.


Book Sale Committee 
Chair Susan Millinger

Plans annual book sale. Read more on our dedicated Book Sale page:


Racial Justice
Co-Chairs Milan Clark and Martha Hanner

Browse our Judy Brooks Series videos

Read more about our Racial Justice Committee on our dedicated page:

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Town Charter Committee

The committee's work determined amendments or revisions of specific provisions to the Charter were warranted, based on the LWVA’s “good government” principles. Committee observed the Town’s Charter Review process, and updated the Steering Committee as to new developments. Read more on our dedicated page:

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Upcoming Events

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